Asked by Anonymous User

on 27/8/21

I have done my CBC recently. Inmy report Haemoglobin is 14.1gdl(reference 13.5- 17.5) wbc 5800 (ref. 4000-11000) Neutrophil 46 % ( 45 -75) Lymphocytes 47% (20-40) Eosinophils 7% (0-6) Monocytes 00 (1-10) Basophil 00. (0-1) RBC 5.16 ( 4.7 -6.1) PCV 41.9( 34 48) MCH 27.3(27-33) MCV 81.2 ( 80-100) Mean corpuscular haemoglobin conceration 33.7(30-35) platelet Count 2.91 (1.5 - 4.5) Should i worried about this or is this the sign of some kind of illness.

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Dear user, if you would like to consult online with a doctor, kindly go through the link below,

Answered on 27/8/21

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