Asked by Anonymous User
on 13/5/20
hello doctor namastee. Can type2 diabetes turn into type1 diabetes?plz metion detail information about it as medical student..
Asked by Anonymous User
on 13/5/20
hello doctor namastee. Can type2 diabetes turn into type1 diabetes?plz metion detail information about it as medical student..
There are variety of opinion regarding it but we think its not that type 2 get converted to type 1! Its not that sulfonyl group of drugs destroys the pancreas! It is insulin simulator that helps to produce more insulin from the pancreas!
tq doctor but some doctor had told me different.he told me that if type2 diabetes patient take the sulfonyl group of drug this drug destroy the beta cells of pancrease ultimately pancrease can't make insulin sufficient leading to type1 it correct sir?
No, the causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes is entirely different, so it cant be turned. Type one is due to autoimmune destruction of B cells while type 2 is due to obesity, familial predisposition and so on. It is not conversible. Thanks
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what is the price of circumcision in nepal and where can i get it done in safe but cheap price?
Asked by Anonymous User
5 days, 14 hours ago